Where you work and the environment around you is paramount to your own efficiency. With too many things to distract you, you may get nothing done but with a plain and unexciting office your may grow bored. Finding this happy medium can be difficult. Happily Lifehacker have highlighted the top 10 ways to create a good work environment and truly get those creative juices flowing.
True success is a difficult thing to achieve and having the right habits can help you on your way. Learning these habit and truly mastering them so they become part of your daily life can really help you to reach your goals.
Luckily Enterpreneur have highlight the top 4 habit you need to adopt, check out their blog.
Dressing for work can be hard. Depending on your job what you are expected to dress like can vary wildly.
You wouldn’t expect a graphic designer and a lawyer to dress the same would you?
So when it can come to working out how to impress as well, things can get difficult. Luckily for us CheatSheet have written 5 ways to Dress to Impress at Work.
Check it out for some of their great tips, so that you are really the best YOU possible.